

惡劣天氣安排Adverse Weather Arrangements
If the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal, or the Typhoon Signal No.8 or above is hoisted at the following hours, programs will be suspended as below:

訊號生效時間Signals hoisted By 活動停止Programs suspended
上午六時   06:00a.m.  下午二時前開始的活動Programs that start before 2:00p.m.
上午十一時  11:00a.m. 下午二時至六時開始的活動Programs that start between 2:00 & 6:00p.m.
下午三時   03:00p.m. 下午六時後開始的活動Programs that start from 6:00p.m.
當活動期間懸掛以下訊號:When the following Signal is hoisted during the programs already in progress:
八號或更高之颱風訊號Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above 活動立刻終止Program will be immediately suspend
黑色暴雨警告訊號Black Rainstorm Signal 室內活動繼續進行,戶外活動立刻終止Indoor activities will be continued, while all outdoor activities will be suspended.
